In September 1994 EMCOTECH was started as a proprietorship firm by Mr. Pradeep Kumar Sharma and the firm deals with the instruments for Material & Electronic testing, including the Industrial and Electronic Trainers. Through the continuous Market surveys and with the increasing catering demand of the various Hospitals and Medical Institutes the firm has shifted its business activities to mainly dealing with the Medical Equipment’s in the Northern India.

With the intention of taking over the government/Semi-government business of dealing with the Medical Equipment’s from the EMCO-TECH Marketing the firm M/s.
EMCO TECH EQUIPMENTS Pvt. LTD was incorporated in 2005.Since then EMCO TECH Equipments Pvt. Ltd. has been dealing with various Government Organizations/Institutes of India namely Ministry of Defense (DGAFMS), New Delhi, all Hospitals of the Govt. of N.C.T. of Delhi, , Hospitals under Central Government, All India Institute Of Medical sciences(AIIMS) Dr.R.P.Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, (AIIMS, New Delhi) & All other AIIMS, Municipal Corporation of Delhi(M.C.D) etc.


To successfully meet the demand of the Medical Institutes and to make an ease in the life of people by making a difference with the aim of improvising the lives of the people and be a leader in the Equipment Marketing by 2030


The main aim is to be able to originally design simple and effective products in order to understand the requirements of retinal surgeons


The products manufactured by the World’s three leading renowned, manufacturers of Ophthalmic Equipments, i.e.
1) Carl Zeiss, Germany. 
2) Alcon Inc., U.S.A. 
3) Quantel Medical, France. 
The company deals with these leading manufactures a part from this the company has its own product Ranges as well.
The company has the state of art equipment’s with the unique applications and is widely used, accepted and needed in the Medical Fraternity.
As on date we are very well known in the field of ophthalmology it is the area were we are dealing from the past decade and 5 years.

Our Partner

As we value the quality in our products we have built the trust among our partners.